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  • Spaghetti for Thanksgiving dinner!

    As I told in my yesterday's post, here is the Spaghetti and vegetable balls recipe. Actually, whenever I hear the word Spaghetti I automatically think of meat balls. Assuming that the recipe would taste awesome, I wanted to make a vegetarian version of it. I do remember Cham of Spiceclub making...
  • Pasta with homemade tomato sauce

    I recently prepared Matar Paneer and I was wondering how pasta would taste with its sauce(gravy). So waiting for Pasta night and tried this combination and to my surprise it tasted really good. My husband loved the taste and I was very happy that I took a shot at this.It is very simple, the...
  • Pasta - An Italian Food Made Indian

    Pasta is an Italian food made from a dough using flour, water and/or eggs. Pasta was and is the most commonly used food in many of the American homes. Why Americans, even Asians love pasta. Pasta is one of the simplest yet scrumptious food given to the world by Italians. There are nearly 350...
  • If I say Italy, You say?

    Pasta! What else? Though there is lot other things to embrace in Italy, the main thing most of us foodie remember is Pasta. Preparing any kind of Pasta salad recipe requires creativity and passion. Italian Pasta recipe has its own flavor and fans. As we all know there are different kinds of pasta,...
  • Homemade Vegetable Pizza

    Pizza, the Italian food loved by entire world. When I did my college, Pizza hut and Pizza was very new to me. We friends go out whenever possible to get stuffed with Italian Delicacy. As time passed by, I realized that it contributed a lot to my weight gain. I had to stop eating Pizza for some...
  • Pasta with marinara sauce - An Italian Delight!

    When we were shopping the other day, we couldn't move beyond the sauces aisle. Just because I had a packet of Pasta at home, I cannot compel my husband to but pasta sauce to go with it. But I did. He tried his level best, but I didn't move from that place. What can he do? If I was a 5 year old, I...


Me Me - All about me!

I thought of combining this meme with some recipe post. But I am completely tired after the Pooja celebrations and my face is swollen like a pumpkin due to a gum/tooth ache! It is awfully painful! Why did I get this tooth ache? I brush my teeth regularly! :( My husband is having a lot of fun teasing me these days. First about my Halloween baking experience and now as I am a Pumpkin face, he wants me to sit in my Patio all day as a Halloween decoration! How rude? Did I mention that there is a Halloween Patio decoration contest going on in my place? I am planning to participate, wish me luck!

Priya and Pallavi has tagged me! Now I have the opportunity to tag 7 more! yey! ok now for the rules,

a) List the rules on the blog
b) Share 7 facts about you
c) Tag 7 other people at the end of the blog

And now the meme..i like saying meme meme meme meme! Oh don't think I am a self centered person! I just loved the sound!

1. I am obsessed with blogging. I check for comments, check my mails very often.

2. I love to sing and dance! Dance is my passion.

3. I love nagging and irritating my husband! It is my way of expressing love! weird right?

4. I am crazy about Shahrukh's (Film Actor) movie and guitar!

5. I love to eat out!

6. I love watching movies with my husband.

7. I want to reduce weight but I am very lazy to hit the gym.

Now my turn to tag. I am tagging,


Hope they are not tagged for this before.


Hi Sangeeth!

Thanks for tagging me! I did this one a while back! Here's the link if you wanna go check it out!

I am like you in most of them... except the dance part and irritating husband part. He he he. Shah Rukh Khan! (Dreamy eyed!)
Tooth ache??? Get it checked girl...

Thanks Anu! I have to go to the doc soon!

Nice meme Sangeeth.. take care of your tooth.. i think it's cause of the sweets that you had..

even I feel super lazy to go to the gym.. these days, i walk 2..5 to 3 miles a day and it sure has some effect.. i would have lost 1 kg in a month :)

Hi Sangeeth,
thanks for tagging me.. and best luck for your Halloween Patio Decoration Contest :)


hey sangeeth u sound a lot like me, try this link

Thanks artee I have tried that diet before:)

hi, I share 1,5,6, and 7 with you:-) Liked your MeMe

that's a nice meme Sangeeth! Take care of your tooth pain at the earliest! Good luck with the halloween patio decor contest! I am also searching ways to burn fat!

Thanks for the tag Sangeeth. I've done something similar before, so if you wish, you can find my answers here.

Sangeeth, u r so much like me except SRK part. I dont like him that much though :(

Sorry about your gum pain though. hope u feel better. If i were in that situation i'm sure my husband wud've made a similar comment too :)

Actually I'm also postponing my "deep cleaning" dreading the pain later. Hope you get well soon.

Will take up the tag shortly. Anudivya has also tagged me for the same.