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  • Pasta with marinara sauce - An Italian Delight!

    When we were shopping the other day, we couldn't move beyond the sauces aisle. Just because I had a packet of Pasta at home, I cannot compel my husband to but pasta sauce to go with it. But I did. He tried his level best, but I didn't move from that place. What can he do? If I was a 5 year old, I...
  • Pasta with homemade tomato sauce

    I recently prepared Matar Paneer and I was wondering how pasta would taste with its sauce(gravy). So waiting for Pasta night and tried this combination and to my surprise it tasted really good. My husband loved the taste and I was very happy that I took a shot at this.It is very simple, the...
  • If I say Italy, You say?

    Pasta! What else? Though there is lot other things to embrace in Italy, the main thing most of us foodie remember is Pasta. Preparing any kind of Pasta salad recipe requires creativity and passion. Italian Pasta recipe has its own flavor and fans. As we all know there are different kinds of pasta,...
  • Spaghetti for Thanksgiving dinner!

    As I told in my yesterday's post, here is the Spaghetti and vegetable balls recipe. Actually, whenever I hear the word Spaghetti I automatically think of meat balls. Assuming that the recipe would taste awesome, I wanted to make a vegetarian version of it. I do remember Cham of Spiceclub making...
  • Pasta in Chilli Sauce

    After coming to the US, Pasta has become a weekly dinner for us. Atleast once in a week I cook Pasta for dinner. This makes it harder for me. If I cook pasta the same way, my big baby here is not eating. He wants variation. Cooking for him is more work than preparing for a math exam. Every meal...
  • How to make Chipotle's Burrito Bol at home

    Even last Saturday we went to Chipotle. It has become one of our favorite hang out. Mainly because of the Burrito bol that they serve. I love the combination of black beans and rice. It always makes me lick my finger, in this case fork. I initially thought that you require some kind of mexican...


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