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  • Pasta in Chilli Sauce

    After coming to the US, Pasta has become a weekly dinner for us. Atleast once in a week I cook Pasta for dinner. This makes it harder for me. If I cook pasta the same way, my big baby here is not eating. He wants variation. Cooking for him is more work than preparing for a math exam. Every meal...
  • Homemade Vegetable Pizza

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  • How to make Chipotle's Burrito Bol at home

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  • Spaghetti for Thanksgiving dinner!

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  • Pasta with marinara sauce - An Italian Delight!

    When we were shopping the other day, we couldn't move beyond the sauces aisle. Just because I had a packet of Pasta at home, I cannot compel my husband to but pasta sauce to go with it. But I did. He tried his level best, but I didn't move from that place. What can he do? If I was a 5 year old, I...
  • Pasta with homemade tomato sauce

    I recently prepared Matar Paneer and I was wondering how pasta would taste with its sauce(gravy). So waiting for Pasta night and tried this combination and to my surprise it tasted really good. My husband loved the taste and I was very happy that I took a shot at this.It is very simple, the...


Bread Upma Recipe

Bread is one of the most oldest form of food and is used by the whole world. There are different kinds of bread- wheat bread, Brown bread, Granary bread etc. In this fast and mechanical life, most of us have bread for our breakfast, maybe lunch and dinner?. Here is one of my favourite bread recipe which my mother taught me. Bread Upma is a very easy recipe and it takes only 10mts to prepare it. It is a quick and of course delicious recipe.

Some Fun Facts about bread:

-It takes 9 seconds for a combine to harvest enough wheat to make about 70 loaves of bread.

-Each American consumes, on average, 53 pounds of bread per year.

-An average slice of packaged bread contains only 1 gram of fat and 75 to 80 calories

-Breaking bread is a universal sign of peace

-One bread superstition is that if you put a piece of bread in a baby's cradle, it will keep away

-Murphy's Law dictates that buttered bread will always land buttered-side down

-In Britain, the ceremony of First Footing is traditionally observed in the early hours of New
Year's Day. A piece of bread is left outside a door, with a piece of coal and a silver coin, and is
supposed to bring you food, warmth and riches in the year ahead.

Source from


4 slices of Bread (any kind- Crushed with the help of blender)
1 tsp channa dal
1 tsp urad dal
1 green chilli
salt to taste
1/2 onion finely chopped
a pinch of hing
a pinch of mustard seeds

To know how the ingredients are called in other Indian language
Click here!


In a pan, Add oil mustard seeds. When the seed pops, add hing .

Add Channa dal and urad dal and fry.

Add onion and fry them for 1min. Now add salt and green chillies and saute them.

When the onion turns light brown, add the bread pieces. Mix well and serve hot.


Easy recipe..nice facts about bread..

It has been a long time I prepared bread upma! looks delicious! Fun facts are interesting.