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  • Pasta in Chilli Sauce

    After coming to the US, Pasta has become a weekly dinner for us. Atleast once in a week I cook Pasta for dinner. This makes it harder for me. If I cook pasta the same way, my big baby here is not eating. He wants variation. Cooking for him is more work than preparing for a math exam. Every meal...
  • Homemade Vegetable Pizza

    Pizza, the Italian food loved by entire world. When I did my college, Pizza hut and Pizza was very new to me. We friends go out whenever possible to get stuffed with Italian Delicacy. As time passed by, I realized that it contributed a lot to my weight gain. I had to stop eating Pizza for some...
  • Pasta - An Italian Food Made Indian

    Pasta is an Italian food made from a dough using flour, water and/or eggs. Pasta was and is the most commonly used food in many of the American homes. Why Americans, even Asians love pasta. Pasta is one of the simplest yet scrumptious food given to the world by Italians. There are nearly 350...
  • How to make Chipotle's Burrito Bol at home

    Even last Saturday we went to Chipotle. It has become one of our favorite hang out. Mainly because of the Burrito bol that they serve. I love the combination of black beans and rice. It always makes me lick my finger, in this case fork. I initially thought that you require some kind of mexican...
  • Pasta with marinara sauce - An Italian Delight!

    When we were shopping the other day, we couldn't move beyond the sauces aisle. Just because I had a packet of Pasta at home, I cannot compel my husband to but pasta sauce to go with it. But I did. He tried his level best, but I didn't move from that place. What can he do? If I was a 5 year old, I...
  • Spaghetti for Thanksgiving dinner!

    As I told in my yesterday's post, here is the Spaghetti and vegetable balls recipe. Actually, whenever I hear the word Spaghetti I automatically think of meat balls. Assuming that the recipe would taste awesome, I wanted to make a vegetarian version of it. I do remember Cham of Spiceclub making...


The Links I visit often

Below are some of my favourites. The list will grow :) If you want me to add your blog here, do mail me at I'll look at the blog and if I like it, I will surely add to my blogroll. However, if you like my blog and want to add it to your blogroll, you can go ahead and add. I'll surely appreciate that and return your favor if you inform me.

The list is not in any order and is not grouped into cuisines or place of the blogger. This is the list of my fellow foodies whose blog is worth a visit.
Fast Food & Drinks
Uma's Blog
Ranji's Kitchen
Mahanadhi Bloglist
Directory of Food/drink Blogs
100% Microwave Cooking
Buzzer Hut Promote Your Blog
Delicious soup recipe
Niru's Food
Easy Recipes

Family Meal Delivery - Customize your own family meal delivery service, its both time and cost effective.

Checkout this Foodbloglist by cuisine

Taste Of India

Social network for foodies: One other cool site where Foodies can meet. 'Must love food' is the social network for foodies. Meet other foodies, find recipes, plan events and a lot more. It is free to join.
Konditor: Baker, delivery of bread and cakes, cakes with company logo, café, bakery, photo-cakes, confectioner, company cakes, advertising cakes, konditor, breakfast rolls, bakery breads online from
Freelance Jobs - If you are in need of Freelance Jobs, then try Odesk. It is a great place to start.

Cooking Social Network, EXchange Your Culinary Experience - If You love wine,Goourmet Food,Enjoy Restaurants Or just like to Cook? Just come and Make part of the Ultimate Culinary Network and Exchange Your Pasion with Other Food Maniacs!

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thanks for adding me in ur blog roll! u too add as a follower of my blog to have my recipes in ur dashboard itself!!

Hi Sangeeth, am not able to see my blog while clicking on my name..pls change the url, u r already in my blogroll...thanks

wow, u have a wonderful list, wish i was in that list too.....

Sangeeth, thanks for adding my blog in the blogroll. I have added your link in my blog too.